Let Go and Move On

Monday, April 22, 2024

Post No. 17 - Reading Time: 4:10

This past Sunday worked out a lot better than previous Sundays because I finally broke down and bought a “new-to-me” iPad off of eBay. It replaced the aging iPad I used to display my message presentations with on the screens in our sanctuary. It was getting frustrating for me and the congregation with all the glitches and failures of the old system.

However, it was hard for me to let go of my old iPad. I’m actually on my third iPad now since I came to Calvary. It was the same letting go of the first one. The Men’s Ministry bought it for me when I first came to Calvary. When my son returned from Bible College, he bought me my second one as a Christmas gift seven years ago. I used it daily for Facebook, Youtube, Presentations, etc. It was a great machine, but it was showing its age and just couldn’t keep up anymore. Technology changes fast, but advancement at Calvary comes slowly.

It’s Still Usable

Two things hinder me from letting go of the old. One, I still feel I can get a little more use out of the old things I have, or maybe I can repurpose them. Two, I’m used to how the old things work and something new takes additional time to become proficient with it.

Nevertheless, as far as the things of this life go, there will always be a time to let go and move on. The hard part is determining when to take that step. Jesus said “And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for they say, ‘The old is better.’” (Luke 5:39 NIV) You get used to things and the aggravations they produce in your life build slowly over time, so you just adapt to them.

Are You Still There?

Often others have to wake you up to your unwillingness to move on. They may say, “Are you still using that old thing?” This gets us to reflect on, “Why?” We think it’s comfortable, when it’s not. We think it does what we need, when it doesn’t. And, we think we can improve it, when we can’t.

It took an investment of a week of my time to move forward and install and update all the necessary technology to get past the problems we were having in our services. It was intensely frustrating and time consuming at first, but then I began to see the benefits of letting go of the past and embracing the future. Also, this is not my first time going through all of this.

I know sometimes we just feel like we are constantly just trying to keep up with all the new stuff coming down the pike, but holding on to the things of the past does not allow us to reap the benefits of the things that are.

My son Stephen also bought us new iPhones for Christmas this past year. Why? Same reason. We were holding on to our seven year old ones because they were still usable.

Embracing the New

There is an excitement and a foreboding when you get something new. However, as you explore the possibilities, lay aside the expectation that this new thing is going to last forever, and realize the current benefits, then you settle into this new way of life and your attention drifts to other things.

That’s my hope with my new iPad. As it works its way through my life on its journey to being discarded, I pray I will not have to focus so much of my attention on it. Having it means I can simply devote myself to other things. All things are to be used to serve purpose. We should be aware that if something begins to demand our time and causes us to serve it, then it is time to let go and move on.

Here’s Paul’s instruction concerning the things we use:

30 Those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep;
31 those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them.
 For this world in its present form is passing away.
32 I would like you to be free from concern.”

1st Corinthians 7:30-32 (NIV)

I hope you know this blog was not about iPads.

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God