Special Moments

Monday, April 8, 2024

Post No.15 - Reading Time: 3:05

Today is the day that everyone along its path will be pausing to watch the moon eclipse the sun. There seems to be a lot of excitement and activity for something that will last only a few moments, but moments are what count in life.

One officer told me that being a policeman is filled with long days of total boredom and tedium mixed with moments of intense fear and panic. It’s those moments we remember.

Knowing this, our lives ought to be like watching a solar eclipse. We ought to make a lot of preparation and planning so we can enjoy a moment with someone. It’s not all about the moment that makes people feel special. It’s about them knowing you set aside time to prepare for the moment. They know you were thinking of them and that’s what makes them feel special.

We should plan our moments. I know it’s fascinating and exhilarating when moments just happen. However, those are few and far between—like a solar eclipse. Also, when we know that something special is coming up, we ought to prepare for it. This can be birthdays, family reunions, going to church (yes, church ought to be special), and anything else you can think of that makes a special moment for you and others.

And there’s the key: Special moments always include other people. I mean, what good is it to get a new dress and not be able to show it off? What good is it for you to win an award and not tell anyone about it? Special moments happen through sharing your life with others.

Romans 12:15 says this:

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”

Romans 12:15 (NIV)

So special moments don’t always have to be centered around good feelings and pleasurable events. They can also be found in times of suffering, pain, and grief. It’s when someone calls you in the midst of it to comfort you or when someone stops by and brings a meal. It’s like when neighbors help you clean up from the aftermath of a tornado. These moments can mean as much to you as any party or reunion.

Finally, remember this: Sometimes getting involved in a special moment might not bring you any special feelings or personal blessings, but you do it anyway. Why? Because of what those around you receive from your support and engagement.

It’s the same when it comes to attending church. Those around you are encouraged by you being there, by making the effort, and by contributing your unique personality to what makes the church a family.

You will not enjoy watching the solar eclipse as much alone as you will doing it with others. That’s the way God made us. Your faith will not be complete serving God alone when he has designed us to serve one another in community.

Sacrifice is not as invested when it is only for your own ends. It’s when your life involves others, those moments become special, memorable, and valuable. You wouldn’t trade them for anything.

Until next Monday, may the Lord bless you! Pray for us!

Pastor Brian Jenkins

Calvary Assemblies of God