Amazing Encouragements

I wasn’t sharing a weekly blog last year, so some amazing things might have gone unmentioned on our website recently. Today however, I thought I’d mention one of them, because it hit home last night at church with an email that popped up on my iPad during my evening presentation.

A major contributor to our church last year sent us a $20,000.00 check in December. Little did he know that we had, just days before, decided to pay off the $28,000.00 mortgage on our building. This was so we could reduce our monthly expenses in 2015 to remain in line with our current income. The contribution we received was deposited about the same time our financial secretary was cutting the check to the bank to pay off our mortgage. We had a little celebration and burned the mortgage papers at church one Sunday evening shortly thereafter. Everyone truly felt God’s hand in the way it worked out and the extra finances greatly encouraged us to stay on track with our plans for 2015.

This brings me to the email I received during the service last night. Our contributor sent the email to me in response to a recent newsletter from our church. In his email he wanted to note some of the things I said about the ways Calvary is getting involved in the community. I am one of the directors of our local Chamber of Commerce and the de facto president of the Union City Ministers Association. My work in the community was what prompted the email. He noticed a new program I have written through the Union City Ministers Association for the local police department. It is where first-time juvenile offenders could be inducted into a six months guidance program with our local ministers. This program provides for our churches to guide these youth into betters choices and relationships (rather than process them through the court system).

Like the large check he sent, his encouraging words hit home. The email was right there in front of me as I stood before the congregation—so I just read it to everyone. There was an overwhelming sense that this was a God moment. I could hear “amens” as I read and I could see heads nod in agreement. Some even shed tears over his immensely encouraging words. Some of his kind and uplifting words even made me swell up. It is humbling when someone notices your hard work and wants to encourage you to keep it up. In my words, “Hit it again!”

Rather than continue to comment on how much this email meant to us at Calvary, let me simply include its content here in this week's blog post. For those of you who follow our ministry and read our newsletter, you will quickly see how much these heartfelt words touched our hearts and encouraged us to keep working to become a major influence in our community. It is as follows:


I want to send your pastor, church, and community some encouragement.

This is in regards to the recent Calvary News that I read. The church is to be the “arms and legs” of Jesus. We are not called to attend church services alone and learn, we are called to act in our own individual capacity. We are not all made alike and have different gifts with which to give. The world around us needs to see the church actively helping others and not barking at them when they do not follow the rules.

Rules are important, as they keep the fabric of society together, but, when those rules are broken, it is our job to care, support, teach, and provide opportunities to improve to those who break the rules. This is where your newsletter caught my attention. I applaud the pastor for his active involvement in working with the local police department and churches to help the youth at risk. This action is being the “arms and legs of Jesus.” It is action that the community can see and know what the church stands for.

Following are some quotes from your newsletter and one person’s perspective and encouragement:

“…to be involved in the mentoring of the young people
would be turned over to us by the police department.”

Awesome! This is not yelling at someone who broke the rules but offering them what they need to improve. You are touching real kids, real lives, and at an impressionable age. God will bless you for this.

“…an atmosphere of cooperation…”

Awesome! This is the church and the community coming together as one. The church is being the “salt and light” that we are asked to be. I believe that you are seeing God's favor on your actions through this cooperation, stay focused.

“It simply amazed me that the Lord allowed me 

to be a part of what might drastically change the lives 

of some of our at-risk young people and prevent them 

from having a criminal record in the court system.”

Your humility is a strength, always keep it close to your heart and I believe God will continue his favor.

Last thoughts, stay positive in your efforts but expect potential “push back.” Keep perspective and balance. Nothing good comes easy, so keep perspective and do not lose your focus on the original intent of this effort. Some might say that the church should not be working so closely with government. Understand that some may want to politicize your actions, but stay true to your desire to offer help to those in need. Do not be discouraged when tough times come, as they often do.

I have prayed for your efforts today during my quiet time and look forward to reading about your successes in the future. Continue your actions of being the “arms and legs of Jesus,” as it the best way to get people into the church. It is an active witness to the community that is non-threatening, non-accusatory, and effective! It will draw people in that might not otherwise consider the church as relevant in today’s world.



Yes, this email hit the nail on the head of what we are trying to do here at Calvary. We want to be involved in our community—helping, serving, giving, and doing it all in the wonderful name of Jesus. It inspires and encourages us when others notice this and can see our vision from afar. Everyday I pray that more and more of our people will become involved in service to our community.

One great victory along these lines is what our Seniors’ Ministries is doing. Each week they serve meals through LifeStream to seniors ages 60 and over at the Hoosier Place on Walnut Street. Currently they are doing this three days a week. Another church has noticed these efforts and soon we hope they too will be involved with us in expanding this vital outreach in the name of Jesus. Already Donna Burk is teaching a Bible study there on Wednesdays and one of the residents is now attending our church. This is how it is done. May the Lord continue to reveal to us ways to impact the lives of those around us.

Another great victory this year is the establishment of our Weekly Prayer Circle which meets in the Prayer Tower each Saturday night at 6:30 PM. This vision has been a long time in the making and has a long way to go to fulfill what the Lord intends. However, as we remain faithful, we will see prayer once again become the culture on which our church expands and develops into all God has called us to be.

Each day we better position ourselves to be “salt and light” to our community. It has been a struggle, but these encouragements, in word and deed, show us that not only does our community notice our efforts, so does the Lord, and he stands ready to help us fulfill his plans for us here at Calvary.

Lastly, thanks to each one of you who call Calvary your home. It has been a blessing these past few years to serve as pastor of what is going to be a regionally significant church, influencing families for years to come.

“Calvary exists to demonstrate the love of God to the families of our community.”

Calvary Assemblies of God | 720 N Plum St Union City IN 47390 | Pastor Brian P. Jenkins |  (765) 964-3671 |