Hungry For More

(Reading Time: 3:00) Sometimes I get hungry. I’m not talking about food, but for God to fill me afresh with his Word. This Monday I felt that way. After finishing the book of Exodus, I went back and started looking a little closer at The Ten Commandments in chapter 20 verses 1 through 17. I got to thinking that there has to be more to them than what I understand on the surface. There are many today that feel like some of these commandments are even out of date or irrelevant to today’s world. I mean, who actually makes gods of wood, stone, and precious metals? What about the Sabbath? Hasn’t everyone broken it? How high is it on God’s list of damnable things? Then there is taking the Lord’s name in vain. Does it really address saying goddamn or using Jesus’ name as a curse word? If it does, then most of us are going to hell, because Exodus 20:7 says the Lord won’t forgive you for using his name in vain.

I realized that there were so many things I still don’t know about the Ten Commandments and it is rare these days to hear anyone preach on them. So I decided to sit down at the computer and see what our Jewish brothers think about the meaning of these commands. It took a long time, but I finally lighted upon a man named Dennis Prager who operates Prager Universityprager-uiniversity-dark online. Even though he is a Jew, he is also a believer. I scoured his website and turned up a whole set of videos of him teaching on each of the commandments. I felt the Lord had showed me the answer to what I was hungry for.

As he began to teach, I felt my spirit rising within me as he filled my soul with revelation about The Ten Commandments that I have never considered before. He had such a way of connecting the validity of each command to the very structure of our modern societies. I thanked God for the wisdom he gave this man and I asked forgiveness for my own denseness and lack of pursuit (we will see these videos at Calvary soon).

There always seems to be something in us that never digs into the Word more than we have to. As a result, many of us are simply spiritually malnourished—myself included. We get hungry, then we get weak, then we lose interest in pursuing God. I’ve been hungry for more for such a long time. I bookmarked Dennis Prager’s site and I am sure I will frequent it again as my spirit yearns for more of God’s Word to be unfolded in my life. He also has teachers who share on a variety of topics that will wake you up over and over again.

Interested? I thought you would be. Here’s the link: He is also on You Tube. Subscribe to: Prager University. One caution: the other videos are just as addictive. Several will upset you, others will grieve you, but they all will get you to think. Like I recently posted on my Twitter feed, “I got an idea, punish thinking and reward conformity.” Prager University will get you to thinking again. His videos on religion and spirituality will feed your spirit. Also, it will open doors to new directions in your life. As I prayed this morning I asked the Lord’s forgiveness for not being the teacher of the Word I ought to be. However, I committed myself afresh to finding these great teachers and introducing them to our people.

“Calvary exists to demonstrate the love of God to the families of our community!”

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